Welcome to Lifelines Outreach

This club was established out of a deep-seated commitment to suicide prevention, spurred by personal experiences of losing four individuals to suicide and grappling with my suicidal ideations. Through these trials, I've come to understand the importance of vulnerability and open dialogue in fostering support and resilience.

Did you know that everyday, roughly 132 Americans die by suicide? There is approximately one suicide death in America every 10.9 minutes and in America, suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death for 15 to 24-year-olds. That age range includes most high schoolers and college students. We aim to empower college students at the University of Houston to openly discuss experiences of suicidal ideation or the impact of suicide while educating high school students on effective strategies to support peers or themselves in times of crisis. Through sharing their personal narratives, college students will enhance relatability for high school students, fostering inspiration and admiration. Additionally, the college students will assist high school students in discovering their unique purpose, which will be the beacon of light and hope for them through struggles.